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Where Should I Start??

Where should I start

There is a lot to learn about every aspect of taking care of and managing possible needs for your child/athlete and a sports related injury. One question a lot of people ask is Where Should I Start??

To really answer this question, its best to understand what stage/level your child is participating or what your role as a coach is. If you child is 6 and playing in a very causal Saturday tee ball at the community park, your needs will likely be different than if your child is 15 and playing on a competitive travel team where you find yourself on the road every weekend. Where should I Start will have a very different meaning for many different people.

A few things to consider, do you travel more than locally? Does your child play a contact or collision sport? Does your child have more than 3 practices/games a week? Would you consider the league reasonably competitive? Lastly, does your child have a medical or injury history that can be a cause of concern?

Do you travel more than locally? If so you might want to ensure you are traveling with first aid, and basic Atheltic Training supplies, this way if you have an incident you can at least have some level of preparation. It would also benefit you to be a bit proactive in learning more about whether medical professionals will be on site or not, and potentially check out medical services in proximity to where you will be traveling too. Needless to say, if you are staying local you should also be learning these same things

If your child is in a contact or collision sport, understand that incidence of injury can be much higher so its even more important to be prepared. I’m currently working on a list of things to have close by that can help in a first aid situation.

Does you child have 3 or more practices/games a week? If so, depending on the sport, you can be setting them up for overuse or chronic injuries, this also can lead to more acute injuries. 3 is not a magic number but that means that you are participating every other day, and this does not leave a lot of time for rest and recovery. Be sure to listen to your kids and teach them how to listen to their bodies.

If you consider their/your league competitive, the likely hood of injury can increase, be sure to be prepared.

Does you child have a preexisting condition to consider? If your not sure they should be getting an annual physical, if they have a history of injures like ankle sprains, it’s important to be on top of that. Be sure to follow guidance, of medical professionals to best ensure safety of your child/athlete.

Where should I start, is a very reasonable question, stay tuned for more info as our resources grow, and we expand on all of these topics, so you can better empower yourself to be prepared.

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